Thursday, March 18, 2010


now what can i tell about a life of a mba grad in india..........the day starts with a refusal to wake up. The monday morning blues persist till saturday. But you manage to drag yourself out of bed and the day begins in flash. Wondering why? well thats because you realise that your late! as usual......and mind you this happens everyday until saturday turns up and you realise that you dont have to worry about being late tommorrow as its a sunday ( relief). Your dressed even before you realise that your completely awake and now your running out the door ( thats when you think oops i missed breakfast again!!! but you cant stop now). The very first hour of the day goes by in micro seconds while you wonder if u'll make it for the first class on time.....and you run in just as your professor is about to shut the door. woof!!! made it is all you can think for the next hour or so till that session finish and you never realise when the day goes by while you run from one class to another. Now its around this time when just about to take your heels of and relax for a bit before you leave for the day and this is only if your one of those privileged few that your director or placements officer realises that their is still some work to be done! Now all think for the next couple of hours while work on the given assignments will be here we go again!!! By the time all that is done you run out of the college gate not caring what the world around thinks while it sees a you scamper away like a scared mouse. You reach home, grab a bite of that cold food and put your feet up and you think..........crap i gotta submit that assignment tomorrow and i have that we go again!

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