Tuesday, September 13, 2011

To all those concerned???

If your wondering why this compilation of words is titled so it is for a simple fact….. To only those that are concerned that does this compilation mean anything. And that is precisely what my version of the truth in this world is related to, to all those concerned……

“ why are there so few that care”

I don’t intended to preach for I have no right. I am sinner in my own way but this question has haunted me for long for it is part of my thoroughly scrutinized acquired learning from my environment as well…..do not involve in what doesn’t concern you directly. 

We see horrible things happen to others on a daily basis but never scream or even react to their pain. We do not know of what happens in our next door for me do not have the time to spare for another human life. We spend our entire existence ensuring than we do just that exist. It is haunting how we live all our lives without actually seeing, feeling or involving in anything but very own limited and narrowed line of sight.
We do not see when millions die on a regular basis in a country far away from us or a war destroys the homes of countless….may it be a declared by our own species or by nature. When it is new it is in the news and we all make the appropriate statements of disgust. We also eventually agree that there is nothing that we can do. Countries have lived at war for ages and for some terror has become a part of their daily lives but we react, scream and cry when an act of terror leaves a feathers touch on our daily lives. It is then that we begin to cry bloody murder till our veins bleed dry…..

We do not see when some one walks by with tears in their eyes but when no one sees us when we are dying for shoulder, the burden of the lonely world strikes us unfair. When we see a episode on reality TV about horrors of the civilized world….the corruption, the abuse, the unimaginable hurdles that some face simply to survive but when one flash of the same appears in the neighborhood, everyone goes mad.

I cant help myself when I ask…..where born to be so highly self indulgent and absorbed or is it a acquired quality from this big bad world that me live? And if later is the case, then how did we get here? When did we all become so inhuman? How did we become the very antithesis of why evolution led to the development of superior race that knew to work together to overcome its weaknesses?

I have to ask “ why are there so few that care”

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